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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月15日


  • When did I say it has no relation?

    It’s related, but it’s an excuse for what Iran really wants. Similarly Iran does not really care about the Palestinians beyond their usefulness as a grudging pawn.

    A proportional response from Iran would have been more rockets from Hezbollah, Hamas, or the Houthis. Or maybe a very limited drone attack on a specific target.

    A response like this on the part of Iran is disproportionate, so there must be another motive. Iran isn’t so stupid as to think Israel won’t bomb the shit out of them, thus Iran must want to be bombed.

    The only reason I can think of for Iran to want to be bombed is to quell their internal troubles. It feels like every other week another woman without a hijab is killed, or disappeared, or beat to shit, and every other month another protester is executed by the state. There is unrest in Iran, people are getting tired of the theocratic bullshit. So what better time to need an external threat?

    Iran’s long-running narrative against israel, painting them as their great satan, could use a refresh, and what better way than to have israeli bombs fall on iran?

  • MrSpArkle@lemmy.catoLinux@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    3 个月前

    Your battery probably isn’t supplying sufficient voltage and your laptop is compensating. It is almost random chance in getting a good battery for a machine of that vintage. Using Linux will likely cause unexpected power off at low charge states.

    Your best bet is to return that battery to the vendor and try another battery from another supplier.