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Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • I’m not going to write an entire paper on the differences between journalists and spies to satisfy an Internet stranger. Organizations like the NYT act completely differently with their sources than Assange did. They release documents only after carefully checking for information that can put people in danger, and they never do something for the sole purpose of harming a country.

    We know this law doesn’t apply to journalists because they tried to use it against them during the Cold War and the courts told them it wouldn’t fly. So all this hand wringing over civil rights is just concern trolling to defend someone who made themselves an enemy of the US by working with Russian intelligence agencies to interfere in our elections.

    Edit to add - if you really want to claim our civil courts didn’t have jurisdiction we could always have let the military handle it. We certainly wouldn’t be watching him go home right now though.

  • She’s fried toast. She’s been trying to raise her profile but she doesn’t poll well at all. If they went with her suddenly, it would be worse than staying with Biden. Newsom is probably the highest profile person who could feasibly replace Biden now. Unfortunately at this point parties don’t tend to take extra risk so it would be a straight white man with just the right amount of gray in his hair and in their political prime.

    The real problem they face, if they want to switch Biden out, is convincing the governor of California to resign to run. He has 3 years left on his term. But he’s also term limited so he could go for it.

  • They have missiles that cover the Black Sea. We could give them the tomahawk but we’re only just now getting AShM versions back out to our own fleet. The best we could probably do is support their production of Neptune missiles. Which are really actually pretty good. It puts them in a pretty small club as far anti-ship missiles go. Which is probably at least part of why the Russians can’t keep anything afloat in the Black Sea.

  • iirc they did build one for Admiral Kuznetsov. It also left that dry dock not that long ago so it’s open now. They’re having trouble funding anything larger than the Adm. Gorshkov class though. Which is about 50 meters shorter. So even if they did decide to throw down a 180M long guided missile cruiser they wouldn’t be able to fund it. In fact they’ve been trying to get something called the Lidar class going and the Russian Navy is just like, “Nyet.”