Self awareness isn’t your strong suite, is it?
Don’t have to, it’s not possible to hoard that much wealth while people starve and be considered ‘good’.
Nobody that has exploited and hoarded billions of dollars from society for their personal benefit are good people.
That’s socialism, baby!
People acting like you can’t fire bad employees just because they work from home.
Your orange muppet is a failure just like his constituents. Just like the confederacy. You must be so angry that even a Black Man was president longer than the 6 time bankrupt TV celebrity grifter.
So bolognaise?
Why wouldn’t they, it’s not like anyone is making them act differently.
The ones that make memorable marketing do.
What does air smell like?
The corpos will get rid of copyright when it becomes inconvenient. Like when they want to use copywritten data to train AI models.
You can lead a troglodyte to knowledge but you can’t make them think.
Have you tried looking inside to find out?
You’re not winning this one
Only if you’re standing in it. If you’re going to be pedantic do it right.
There is no period so it’s not technically a statement, nor is it properly capitalised to be a statement. It is a title. Ipso facto, your rules regarding proper punctuation are null and void.
Yes, they should step in, and direct those parents not the rest of society that isn’t a failure to their children. Maybe letting your children engage in pornographic material should be against the law, not the porn that any reasonable person can consume without involving children.
Maybe if you aren’t fit to care for your children, you shouldn’t be allowed to have them.
The world isn’t made for children, where are their fucking parents?
You’re the kind of person who’s father wishes they’d wiped on a curtain.