That is what ‘automation’ often is. You take a working process, then let machines do as many steps in that process as you can. Harvesting crops, sending memos, robots spraypainting car parts, self driving cars (We still have a lot to do there)
Building on that it gets even more interesting as we try to find better, or even completely new processes.
Same in Dutch: aardappel (aard=earth, appel=apple)
You are wrong, till is perfectly fine – and so is til. See Merriam-Websters article about this, at
So thoughtful to put Spanish in spanish.
Oh wait
Nevada city, California. Population 3k+. Thanks to my wife’s addiction to christmas movies.
The archive link that was supplied works for me?
This week I don’t. Next week you may be right.
One of my friends (in the Netherlands) had an acorn bbc computer and we spent so many hours playing this game!
same for html instead of htm.
7/16" - 10ct = 10mm
totally unrelated time in the screenshot, I’m sure