itty53 everywhere but twitter.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • A fake person affected public opinion by interacting with real people, which is only made possible by society’s current relationship with social media. This was done presumably to incite and rage bait for the opposition and supposedly by an outside nation actor, making this an act of cyber warfare. One of many we’ve seen, and more each day. And guess what? The way you combat that kind of information war is by informing the public, especially that circle of people who actually build these technologies (soooo this sub, pretty much).

    It is absolutely not redundant to call it a technology topic. How society interacts with and is affected by technology is an exceedingly important topic within technology and it’s continued development it we want it to be for the betterment of humanity and not the enslavement of it. Technology isn’t just how the electrons move, that’s literally only a teensy tiny part of it.

  • There you go again, pretending technology only has to do with the next breakthrough. I mean did you read what I wrote? I literally talked about that explicitly.

    Technology is technology. If it’s relevant today then why shouldn’t it be here? If the US was constructing water wheels again all of the sudden it would be a technology topic and relevant to this sub.

    If you don’t like it and you’re leaving, great. There’s the door, what makes you think anyone cares? Or ought to?

  • It’s the same post. You commented here twice. Which is ironic in hilarious ways. I guess you don’t quite understand this technology…

    Faking a person in the digital world and then using that likeness to affect real world politics has everything to do with technology by the way. We don’t only discuss the bleeding edge of new consumer toys, it’s a pretty broad topic. And politics being the process of how people function together in society … I mean it’s gonna be everywhere.

    If you want to unsubscribe I guess, bye.

  • I’m gonna point out that the author of that article closes out with this …

    In a worst-case scenario, Twitter may collapse or destabilise if certain elements within it go offline. Aside from Twitter trolls, this outcome would be in nobody’s best interest. So it’s more likely Twitter and Google Cloud will find a mutually agreeable way forward.

    And offers exactly zero information to back that warning up. Just a vague hint at bias, “Google better let Twitter not pay or no one will benefit”… Doesn’t sound very objective to me.

    Because I think it would be in quite a few people’s best interests for Twitter to shut down, maybe when it’s owner, but definitely a lot of users and the rest of us fed up with journalism being defined by Twitter.

  • Social media and tech aren’t the same rules. Twitter was social media, therefore most of its valuation was speculation. Markets. Stock price. Twitter actually was way ahead of the pack (was) because they offered Twitter Firehose. Active data analytics api. They were making more real revenue than any other social media outlet, per user, because of that. But the technology on that backend was not small, and they’ve driven away the devs who made it keep working.

    And even still it was not enough to counteract the cost associated with being social media.

  • I can speak to exactly the issue you’re having, you’ve got a family hanging out, you don’t want to be all cooped in the office.

    Get a steam deck dude. Do it. I work from home, my wife does too. We have an 8 year old. Not only do I get more gaming time in with my deck than I ever could previously, they’re both happier about it. I can suspend power and do whatever, etc, it isn’t an anchor at a desk.

    And it can play the games. Keep in mind that steam themselves is very picky about their “this is great on the deck” blessing. There’s a ton of games they only say will run, and even more they say won’t run at all, that operate perfectly fine. More every month too, as Proton continues development.

    You can also load all your GoG and Epic games easily, heroic launcher.

    Seriously, get one. The mid or basic version is fine, sd cards are fine.

  • When someone says a thing and you deliberately interpret anger where there was none (especially after they’ve said it, “I’m not angry”) and insist they “calm down” rather than addressing any valid criticism or complaint they actually bring up, that’s quite gaslighty. It’s intentionally presenting a false reality and insisting I adhere to it “or he’s just wild, he won’t calm down”.

    Or “he’s just a troll not worthy of consideration” as you put it. Which is definitively dehumanizing as well, but you don’t see me whining about it. It is ironic though. Me calling childish arguments childish, whoa! You calling someone a troll, that’s perfectly reasonable. You calm down.

    It’s not strictly the same as gaslighting but that’s why I said “gaslighty”. But go off about the hypothetical strangers I belittled, please, whatever gets you going down there.

  • It’s pretty fucking immature (and gaslighty) to respond to valid criticism with “chill out bro”.

    Go ahead and ban me, you don’t need to make passive-aggressive threats. You can just power-trip away. Don’t forget to leave a comment that reads “user was banned” so everyone knows how calm and collected you are with your ban hammer.

    And I’ll say it again. *Deep breath, peaceful mind, thoughtful spirit*: That user is an entitled child who made a stupid argument.

  • I’m calm as shit man. Relaxing on a Sunday. It’s just that I’m not wrong. He is self-entitled. He wants game developers to spend their money publishing DVDs for the one-off collectors – nevermind the environment, nevermind that they’re going to be downloading day 1 updates the size of the game anyway, nevermind all of the ridiculous arguments about “oh poor me, they won’t let me easily copy and distribute their product to my friends”. Nope – “I’m a collector, and game developers are awful people for not giving me my CD and this should be illegal and society should make laws to satisfy my collector quirk.”

    Are you fucking for real. Go back and read this fuckin’ thread, dude, that’s what people are fucking saying. “Make laws against this”.

    That’s self-entitlement defined. It’s not a charge, it’s an observation made by an adult living in a society of law regarding another publicly made comment. I offered scrutiny from the apparently rare perspective of being a grown up.

    And this is very much a childish argument. Like whining your dinner at the restaurant didn’t come in a colorful box with a toy inside, or that the book you have to read has no pictures in it. They’re not even complaining about the product, they’re complaining about the package it’s delivered in. Literally the same as saying “that meal is gonna suck because it didn’t come in a McDonalds box”. Six year olds think like that.

    Gamers are the most entitled group of brats on the planet and this is just one tiny example it. Literally demanding useless plastic trash, not even a toy or anything you look at - no, just a useless blu-ray disc that the hardware all but ignores anyway.

    And again - I’m calm as shit. Don’t make the mistake of thinking a few paragraphs means I’m angry. That’s just being lazy, you can read. Hell, you can even read criticism. And if you can’t, get the hell off social media.

  • There are no solutions to climate change that are contingent on a particular party being in power in a single nation when the problem isn’t confined to a single nation. Making the environment about Democrats over Republicans is wildly dangerous because it breeds contentment: people think they did their part in electing the “right” person and stop giving a damn. Politics isn’t going to offer a solution to climate change, but they’ll certainly tell you they’ve got em.

    Tell me you’re okay with being lied to in order to be made afraid, tell me you’re okay with science being misrepresented for political brownie points, and I’ll tell you you’re no better than a grubby politician yourself, because that’s all that standpoint serves. Political brownie points. It’s “ends justify the means” logic. “Its fine to fear monger and lie and misrepresent facts as long as you’re doing so on support of the right ideology” is wildly stupid and dangerous reasoning.

  • You have a problem with packaging. The product is the software. Software. Soft. Media is irrelevant. You may as well be insisting games be provided on floppy disks for your own contentedness.

    It isn’t false advertising. You’re just self-entitled and want companies to cater to you specifically and not the masses. Gamers are really the most entitled group of folks on the planet. You may as well demand Netflix provide VHS copies of every new show they make. Same stupid argument.