• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Spider-Man 2, it’s was the cookie cutter definition of a safe sequel. More of the first game, but marginally bigger and better. Combat felt improved, web wings made traversal more fun, story was taken up a notch (though I still think I prefer the first games overall). I kinda just felt like my time with the game was a little too short for seventy dollars. Honestly just another couple side quest lines would have been enough to make it reach the playtime that I would have expected. I did really enjoy it. It is a better game than the first one. 16hrs is just a little too short for this kind of game I think. I am very hopeful for the DLC and I’m really happy with where they took the story. I need to go back and complete the collectathon stuff, but I have seen some of the Spider Shots you get for them and I’m not super interested really. Most seven out of ten game I have finished this year.

  • I circled back to vanilla no DLC RimWorld. I’ve owned the game for years, have quite a bit of time in Dwarf Fortress, but due to the fact I tried to mod the game right away it didn’t hook me. Turns out it’s really hard to learn a game and look stuff up when you have 200+ mods that alter things in tiny ways to make them completely different than base game. New colony is going strong! Just finished unlocking the advanced research bench, stable food source, strong outer walls. Such a fun game. I’ve been missing out. If anyone has any beginner tips or anything let me know. I’m gonna try to make it all the way and build the space ship!

  • I am still amazed by how they totally and completely one upped the numbered sequel to Life is Strange with a spin off side game. True Colors had so many tense moments and crazy plot twists, and in true Life is Strange fashion, both endings I feel have positives and negatives for the main character.

    Warning! Don’t understand Lemmy spoilers yet. Read at your own risk!!

    There’s the ending where you stay, you finally have a home, a family, and peace, but you give up your aspirations of being a musician.

    Or there’s the ending where you get to travel the world, no home, but at least you have your partner and your music to share with everyone.

    I actually picked the second ending strangely enough. I think most agree the first one is the better one, but I kinda thought that Alex would rather seek out greener pastures with her partner then stay in a place with so much trauma and bad memories. I like how the endings make you think and are more divisive than LiS 2.

  • Hyrulian@lemmy.worldtoGames@lemmy.worldLinux Gaming
    11 months ago

    I would highly recommend not buying the Steam version of Cave Story and instead downloading the open source Cave Story NX off of FlatHub and other such repos. Cave Story+ on Steam has been abandoned by the developers and they stopped updating it despite releasing countless better versions on other platforms. Definitely not worth paying for an inferior version, but if you have to play on PC you’re better off playing this updated version of the original.

  • I’ve personally ran a few FOSS games on Deck. Typically if you want them to work automatically in terms of controls you have to add them to Steam from Desktop Mode and then go to the community controller configuration. MOST games from the FOSS community I’ve tried had some community bindings, though keep in mind that for some more obscure ones you may have to do some heavy lifting yourself and make a control scheme. It’s also important to note that Steam uses the name of the application as a means to connect it to Community Control Schemes, so if you change an applications name or if the application recently had an update and changes its name every update, IE: (Game 1.2) to (Game 1.3), Steam may lose the ability to tell what game it is and show none of the Community Control Schemes. Ones you’ve already downloaded will stay however.

    I can’t say I’ve personally ever done any dual booting on Deck, but I know that it is fairly straightforward and works quite well. The only thing to keep in mind is this is unsupported by Valve, so Game Mode’s excellent sleep mode won’t work and instead it will do a laptop style sleep mode. Other deck specific features may be broken as well.

    In terms of patches, there is no super unified way to tell what’s up to date. If you go to the Steam Deck website and go to the news section, you can read the patch notes. https://www.steamdeck.com/en/news I’m not super concerned with being on the bleeding edge for my use case with the Deck, but I have heard that recent updates have brought the deck to a much more recent version of Mesa for example.

    One last thing to remind you as well, Steam OS that comes on the Deck has an immutable file system. (I assume that’s why you are asking about other OS installs.) While you can get under the hood very easily, you should be aware that any OS update will wipe anything installed outside of the immutable file system, but you still will have readily available access to reinstall it once you set a root password for the first time.

    Hopefully some of this info is useful!