At to some point you can but after CD-quality you cannot. Did you read the article?
As sound engineer you should know that you use high quality to record but it makes no extra sense after CD-quality to listen.
At to some point you can but after CD-quality you cannot. Did you read the article?
As sound engineer you should know that you use high quality to record but it makes no extra sense after CD-quality to listen.
I have hard time believing that anybody can hear difference with this and good quality phone.
I associate audiophiles for people that think they can hear difference when they pay extra but actually don’t when blind-tested. This seems to be perfect product for them.
Fixing floor isn’t cheap either.
How about today? I believe in you. You can do it! Break the cycle. Ditch the Chrome.
I think some admins on porn coms look more that 40 minutes a day for interesting content.
I salute them as I do you. Keep up the good work!
Demotivational posters are coming!
Have they claimed any new land in half century?
Old memes and first posts. Time has truly reset!
I am not dissing. Just saying that you propably cannot hear difference in quality with that. The device has properties that do not make sense in listening quality.