“Oh, come with old Khayyám, and leave the Wise To talk; one thing is certain, that Life flies; One thing is certain, and the Rest is Lies; The Flower that once blown for ever dies.”

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Edit - I never read any comments since the first two.

    Edit - it’s ironic that the uncompromising ideology of the left is making Trump 2.0 inevitable. Absolute shame. Read the room folks.

    Edit - next day: wow, 60 downvotes. I must have hit a nerve close to truth to illicit a response beyond indifference. 16 upvotes, decent ratio. I’m pretty sure that speaking in support of speech protections will become more of a freedom of religion issue in the years to come, as post-Marxist critical theory takes on more and more of a dogmatic, theological place in intellectual society. I can assure not each of you is at the end of their political and ideological journeys, and happy to have planted this seed. May it bloom. -Omar

    Lemmy might hate me for this… Musk is right on speech. It’s not often that those in power will have the moral compass to justly decide what ideas can be said and what cannot. Without free speech protections, none of the LGBTQIA+ movement, or other social movements, would have taken hold. It sucks that extremists will espouse hurtful views, but it’s absolutely critical that the speech of minority voices be protected. What will the world be like if the assholes win and say the only legal speech is something that would completely abhor us today. Look at speech in Russia. I believe the country has just designated LGBTQIA+ activists terrorists. What will happen if the wrong people get power in the USA or Europe?

    Edit: I’m not going to reply any more. I’ve said my piece.

    Edit: one more edit for the downvotes. Someone you don’t like can have a correct idea. Someone who you admire can have the wrong idea. There’s an argument that speech protections should extended into the defacto town squares (short of harassment, etc…), and because of the reasons I stated above, it’s an important humanitarian issue. I’m not some asshole troll trying to stir anything up, just wanted to voice an idea I feel is important. Wish you all well.

    Another edit 30 mins later: I’m an HSP with PTSD, so as much as I would like to chat and learnt some other perspectives, my nervous system has a hard time with stimulation when I don’t feel safe that I can be speaking to someone in good faith. I understand this may seem counterintuitive to my argument, but I still think speech protection is an important humanitarian issue that is worth dealing with speech I don’t agree with.

    Edit: 1 hour later. Well, I never thought it would get this much disapproval. May you all live life with wisdom and honor and light. And may you never be silenced in your pursuit of justice. Peace.

  • I’m sorry you are getting downvoted in a shitpost sub. Some people are just kinky mammajammas with a high propensity for actively expressing angst in an anonymous online forum. Maybe this will cheer you up, mate, maybe these downvotes are really upvotes from down under (or up over!). You never know. The thing about cultures is, it’s difficult to clearly understand a particular social totem, such as a typical behavior for a certain role in any given group, however, the sheer juxtaposital quality of modern life demands we make decisions regarding how we treat the inevitable multicultural conflict that will arise. The best we can to is jerk ourselves off, if no one else will. Cheers mate, let’s jerk ourselves off together, and together do our part to cover the world in sticky, sticky love.

  • I’m sorry you’re getting downvoted in a shitpost sub. Some people who can’t love themselves try their best to make sure others share in their pain. It’s ok. I found your joke lighthearted and amusing, and my day is better for it. I hope you have a great day, too. Do we ever stop to think about how today is one out of a limited amount we will live? Surely, under such circumstances, I want my brothers and sisters to experience as little pain as possible. It seems only right. Sometimes that amounts to tough lessons, but what use is a chide without a correction? It comes down to indecency - a decent person passes negative judgements in a constructive, not a dismissive way. But, unfortunately, your fellow humans are not always so enlightened. What then? Well, I suppose we must carry their pain for them, along with our own, and we must resist the temptation to pass our pain off on others. Over time, this builds character - and when you can recognize quality character in others, you can form alliances and work together to teach others to likewise build character. It becomes a rather rewarding process, over time. Cheers my friend. Let us join our good will together, and together be a force for kinship, love, empathy, and stoutheartedness in this fragile, broken, but beautiful world. Peace my friend - I love you when even no one else will. Don’t ever forget that! And think of my from time to time, my friend!