What if I told you that you’re a humorless self-righteous prat?
What if I told you that you’re a humorless self-righteous prat?
The humor, it could be argued, is in the idea that a fluffy colorful 80s cartoon for little girls would be teaching foul-mouthed radical feminism. Not everything is meant to be taken literally for fuck’s sake.
Kid Rock makes music for people who don’t pay their child support
Born in '69. The bad guys growing up were often the legal officials in tv shows and movies during the 70s and early 80s. Like Smokey & The Bandit and all those exploitation films like Caged Heat and Chained Heat.
This was hung over my bed when I was five years old.
No. You blow the assailant away.
I’m in a mixed marriage too.
In thru the out door