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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • For all the talk of regulating AI, I think the only meaningful regulation is very simple: hold the people implementing it accountable.

    You want to use AI instead of a real certified professional? Go nuts. Let it write your legal contracts, file your taxes, diagnose your patients. But be prepared to get sued into oblivion when it makes a mistake that real professionals spend years of expensive training learning to avoid. Let the insurance industry do the risk assessment and see how unviable it is to replace human experts when there’s human accountability.

  • On the one hand, I’m not even running 4K yet, and it is vanishingly unlikely that I will own a >4K display within the lifetime of my PS5, so this makes no difference to me.

    On the other hand, I would like to see blatant false advertising punished every time it happens. “Nobody really cares” isn’t much of an excuse when they clearly thought people cared enough to put it prominently on the box. Being able to play high-end video 10 years down the line is a legitimate selling point for a gaming console that doubles as media box.

  • What’s this? A software app store?

    It’s ironic how on Linux, my distro’s app repository is always my first stop when looking for software, while on Mac or Windows it’s my last resort.

    Commercialized app stores are full of spam, and Microsoft and Apple both decided that app store apps should not have the full capabilities of normal apps. It’s the exact opposite on Linux.

  • If you’re only testing on one set of hardware, it isn’t going to tell the whole story. The results might be very different on an AMD vs Nvidia GPU, or even on a brand-new vs 1-3 generation old GPU.

    Probably the most important thing for gaming is driver support and ease of installation. This sometimes runs directly counter to other general-purpose needs.

    I’m still on the hunt for a distro where everything I need is easy to install. I don’t think any exist, primarily because GPU drivers suuuuuuuck, especially when you need CUDA or ROCm to work.

  • When MacBooks are plugged in, they get their power from the charger. They are not simultaneously draining and charging the battery in general, unless they need more power than the charger can provide (unlikely unless you are using a charger with lower wattage than the official charger that came with your laptop).

    I was not able to find an official source on this from a quick search, but if I remember correctly, this should be true for any moderately recent MacBook. Maybe any MacBook at all, since they only started making “MacBooks” in 2006 and then tech hasn’t changed much since then.

    Personally, I leave my MBP plugged in during use whenever possible, and I typically unplug it at the end of the day. You don’t need to unplug it, but hey, it’s a good idea to unplug anything that doesn’t need to be plugged in, just to save power.

  • This is my plan A. I’ll only go to plan B if something goes wrong — which has happened to me a couple times. I tried to upgrade Ubuntu (LTS, I forget which version) years ago, but it failed hard. I still don’t know why. It wasn’t something I could figure out in half an hour, and it wasn’t worth investing more time than that.

    Come to think of it, it’s possible all my upgrade woes came down to Nvidia drivers. It was a common problem on Suse (TW), to the point where I pinned my kernel version to avoid the frequent headaches. I’ll try a rolling distro again when I switch to AMD, maybe.

  • There will be more diversity in software and distros

    I wish, but I doubt it. If we get to the point where there is a mass migration from Windows to Linux, it will almost certainly be concentrated into one or maybe two big distros. Probably Ubuntu.

    Today, most proprietary software vendors only support Ubuntu and RHEL. Look at AMD. The ROCm installer supports Ubuntu 22.04, RHEL 9, and SLES. That’s it. Not even modern versions of Ubuntu. And it’s extremely ornery about dependencies. Python 3.8 or 3.10 required! No 3.9! No 3.11! Trying to get it to install on any modern Debian-based distro is the ninth circle of Dependency Hell.

  • A well-implemented language model could be a huge QOL improvement. The fact that 90% of AI implementations are half-assed ChatGPT frontends does not reflect the utility of the models themselves; it only reflects the lack of vision and haste to ship of most companies.

    Arc Browser has some interesting AI features, but since they’re shipping everything to OpenAI for processing, it’s a non-starter for me. It also means the developers’ interests are not aligned with my own, since they are paying by the token for API access. Mozilla is going to run local LLMs, so everything will remain private, and limited only by my own hardware and my own configuration choices. I’m down with that.

    I’d love to see Firefox auto-fetch results from web searches and summarize them for me, bypassing clickbait, filler, etc. You’ve probably seen AI summary bots here on Lemmy, and I find them very helpful at cutting the crap and giving me exactly what I want, which is information in text form. That’s something that’s harder and harder to get from web sites nowadays. Never see a recipe writer’s life story again!