• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • FringeTheory999@lemmy.worldOPtoMemes@lemmy.mlThe goal
    11 months ago

    A little over a decade ago I worked for a company that designed and fabricated stonework for buildings. Not just anyone can clad their house in marble, so I wound up interacting with some very wealthy people. I can’t say who, because they’re still just as wealthy and powerful and I’m about to shit all over them. I came away from the experience with much less respect for them afterwards. They essentially have no interaction with ordinary people at all. They don’t do anything for themselves, and they don’t engage with the real world. It’s no wonder they lack empathy and only act in their own self-interest. The real world is an abstract concept to them, I doubt they think about any of us as being real people.

    I was raised dirt poor, like food insecure and periodically unhoused poor. The guy I interacted with was literally a billionaire and had always been a billionaire. His staff treats him like a noble lord, and they buffer him from nearly any circumstance that would lead to him experiencing reality. One perk of being a white guy with good diction and vocabulary is that you can hide your low-class upbringing. Put me in some decent clothes and they’ll assume I’m from a similar background and speak more openly. The conversations were disturbing. The things they said about poor people, my people, were horrible. They think about us like animals if they think about us at all. I had to sit there and smile the whole time.

    Even before he became a political figure, he could have had the entire LAPD at his house within moments of the first sign of trouble. It’s not like the french revolution. They have a modern army that is well trained to deal with large groups. They’ve had lots of practice. We can’t just roll up on him with a guillotine in the back of our truck and expect to actually prevail.

    My experience at that job radicalized me somewhat and drove from me any lingering desire I might once have had to obtain wealth. I do not want to live in that world. I want to unmake that world.

  • FringeTheory999@lemmy.worldOPtoMemes@lemmy.mlThe goal
    11 months ago

    people are rarely able to harm the person that harmed them, because the power imbalance is what facilitated the harm to begin with. The axe forgets, the tree remembers. Getting through the multiple layers that insulate the upper class from consequences is an uphill battle and it’s fought on many fronts. most of these fronts you’ll never see because the upper class prefers it that way. It’s a long war with many individual engagements. but this is always the goal.

  • It won’t go the way of segway. It’ll go the way of FLASH. Flash was a great tool for creating all sorts of engaging content, but the reason that it went away is because of the sorts of people that adopted it and how it was used. By that I mean advertisers. So people began to associate flash with sketchy advertisements, scams, and obnoxious web design. So even though it was great for all sorts of things, people abandoned it because the people who used it the most were making crap. AI will go like that. Not all AI is equal and some of it will be around forever, but I suspect that most LLMs will run their course because they’re going to be used by advertisers and other ne’er do wells to make cheap content cheaply and people will get sick of that pretty fast.

  • right, that’s only true in the actually literally completely true sense. I have a love hate relationship with AI, I use several of them. As far as I’m concerned AI stands for “assets and inspiration” because that’s the only use for it. It can generate royalty free assets to chop up and use in art, and it can help brainstorm ideas if you’re feeling uninspired, but it’s actually really terrible at creating anything new or interesting on it’s own. There’s a difference between art and content. And what AI generates is content. Stuff to fill space. It’s not going to replace novelists any time soon, but if you make your living writing meaningless ad copy that just fills space then your job is in serious trouble. It can’t create art because messaging is a fundamental part of art and AI has nothing to say. Artists and writers do a lot more than just regurgitate their influences and copy patterns. They also have a point to make. When you engage with a piece of art, the artists is trying to say something, make commentary on the world, or evoke a specific emotional response in the audience. There is intention in art, but “AI” in it’s current and likely in it’s future state is incapable of approaching any task with intention. It’s just a machine learning tool spitting out formulaic patterns. It’s great if you want to create 250 stylized variations of the letter “B”, so artists can use AI to speed up their brainstorming phase and thus it can be a useful tool for artists, but it will never create anything new or interesting without a heaping helping of human interference.

    AI will be writing shitty superhero movies that fill up space for the next thousand years, because those kinds of movies are just content. Aesthetically pleasing content, but still just content. It’ll never write anything that you haven’t seen a hundred times before.