You can also use benzocaine spray, works a hell of alot better than phenol. …I heard from a friend.
You can also use benzocaine spray, works a hell of alot better than phenol. …I heard from a friend.
And if I’m not mistaken, hubble looks at different wavelengths of light than JWST, so naturally their observations are going to look different. JWST looks at infrared or near IR while hubble sees mostly visible light.
John Oliver did a bit on it 2021
I just click again right after clicking the dice to roll them, it skips the animation and just gives me the finished roll, complete with added bonuses.
Yeah thats how I read it, that its a bad thing
The gold standard to declare brain death is nuclear medicine scan of brain blood circulation. This is done in addition to bedside brain death testing and even EEG if the family wants it all. We fucking KNOW if a patient has cerebral blood flow or not. This person is ridiculously incorrect.
Without any prompting, I read it in the narrators voice. Praise the Absolute.
I look forward to your poems sprog!
That was delightful, thank you!
Kodi and coitus
Now I am become drunk, destroyer of girls.
Forced voluntary resignation no less. Definitely sounds like termination to me.
This is me every time I have a damn bowl of cereal.
Climate and Healthcare migration. I can’t afford to retire here in the states. It’s coming.
I’m down for MREs.
Man that was some sweet karma she got handed to her
Numbs anything it comes into contact with I imagine, and no. Vicks even has a benzocaine throat soray, which saves my ass during the spring pollen-pocalypse