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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023

  • That’s awesome that you managed to teach him commands! I’d love to do the same, but mine is deaf (has been all his life) and also generally not very perceptive or smart… For example, when I notice 6 cats while we’re out on our walk, he might spot just 1 of them if we’re lucky 😂 So I really have no idea how to even approach teaching him commands. But at least he’s learned he can’t just walk into the street when there’s cars coming (those he doesn’t notice either)!

  • That looks lovely! Do you actually get to walk him like you’d walk a dog, or does he just explore where he wants?

    When the weather is nice I take my cat out on his harness too. I just let him explore as he wants… Which just means sniffing around the parking lot near my house (which is the neighborhood Cat Central). I believe my neighbors now knows me as “that weirdo who walks their cat” 😅

  • What a cutie!

    My cat is the same, always wanting to help me. He’s not allowed in the craft room (both to avoid hair and so he doesn’t get into any harmful stuff), but when I’m cooking he meows at me until I put a chair in the kitchen so he can sit there and supervise me. 🤍

  • I mostly play big campaign games with my partner, for example currently we’re playing Frosthaven and Oathsworn (and have Aeon Trespass lined up). Other favourites are Aeon’s End, Spirit Island, Terraforming Mars. Me and my friends have a strong preference for cooperative games!

    Some more low key games that we tend to bring out with friends who don’t game a lot are Isle of Cats, Thunderbirds, Namiji, and The Crew.