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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Farmers yes, grocery stores not anymore. Profits of companies is public info here and they started racking it in the moment the massive ‘inflation’ started. My parents live near a farm and they just buy veggies directly from them for like a fraction of the price, I unfortunately live in a city though. Prices are better at local markets but there arent many of those.

  • Yea, no, elections were a joke in the soviet union. Pretty much everyone knew your vote counted for nothing and they started offering people food so they would show up to vote to give it some legitimacy. Unlike current Russia the soviet propaganda was mostly a laughing stock at the time.

    Also the party members were basically picked by nepotism alone. Sure, you could have internal elections but the winner was always the one with most friends in the party. That’s kinda like saying north Korea is democratic because there are some internal elections while in practise it’s pretty much a monarchy.

  • According to the Estonian census it dropped between 1990 - 2015 (period after we got our independence back) and has been on an uptick since then. Though the massive drop right after 1990 is when soviet citizens left.

    No idea why that graph is predicting that the population will halve in 80 years, seems a little ridiculous considering Estonian birth rate is fine and the population has been increasing for like 8 years.

  • Well, there are like a million options beside capitalism so if it references Stalin I’m assuming it’s implying the alternative is the weird authoritarian ideology Stalin made that tankies want.

    Another interpretation I can think of would be socialism but Stalin isn’t linked with socialism much here in eastern europe. Could be this works better in the US since they have some weirdness with conflating Stalin, communism, authoritarianism and socialism but I don’t have those cultural impacts so I don’t get it.

    Best memes are the ones that require an explanation.

  • You can check Estonian real estate sites if you don’t believe me. You can get a cheaper apartment easily. Like the cheapest 1 room ones are like 40k and outside the capital it’s way cheaper still or it was last I checked but that was no more than 5 years ago.

    Local candies and food production is definitely a thing here now but according to my parents it was less prominent during the soviet era because you were obligated to give some of your production away to the occupiers. The most famous local candy companies is definitely still running and taste the same according to my mom, they are called Kalev if you wanna look them up.