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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • I am for sure, all the articles I’ve seen on this have called it paint and it’s really disingenuous and frustrating. The way they describe it makes it sound like they took a can of paint and splashed it on the stones. I interpreted it that way at first and got pretty mad, imo there’s no good environmental message that’s sent by destroying the ruins of long dead civilizations. At least defacing classic European art can be seen as a protest against the colonialist attitudes that led to climate change, Idk how actually effective it is at forcing change but part of me gets some morbid satisfaction from it :3

  • Not misinformation, disinformation. You read the article, yet choose to act like this is comparable to spray paint or something else that won’t immediately wash off. This is like getting indignant bc somebody threw a couple eggs at a great pyramid. It’s stupid and irrelevant to climate change, but sharing articles where the title says they threw acid instead of eggs is just fucking wrong, and serves no purpose besides discrediting climate activism

    Edit actually this article says nothing about corn flour, sorry for accusing you of ignoring that. That’s super shady and shitty on the Guardian’s part, a detail that majorly changes how actually harmful this act was

    Double edit you’re still acting like they threw actual paint, so nvm my apology. Stop being such a blatant oil shill

  • EndlessApollo@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.ml"Cancel Culture"
    3 months ago

    Their behavior isn’t in line with your brand of Christianity, it very much is in line with theirs. Just because you think you and your church are the only actual Christians doesn’t make that the case.

    “How does that logic hold up?” If you really didn’t like them, you’d just denounce them, straight up. You wouldn’t be so desperate to make sure we know that not only are they shitty, but you specifically have nothing to do with them in any way. You’re both Christian, this is a fact that you can’t weasel your way out of no matter how badly you wish you could. Continuing to pretend otherwise turns your denouncement into hollow self praise.

    If you don’t have anything new to contribute besides flapping your arms harder about how they’re not really Christian, I’m done replying. I hope you get better at actually, meaningfully opposing the evil parts of your religion instead of simply distancing yourself from them

  • EndlessApollo@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.ml"Cancel Culture"
    3 months ago

    You can and absolutely should call them out. You can call them fake Christians if you want I guess, but that’s not really calling them out, it’s clear you’re just saying it to make yourself look better. No matter what your take on them is, I know for a fact that they’re Christian, and you trying to cut them off from yourself like that just makes me think you’re a lot closer to them than you’re letting on. I can hardly think of any times I’ve seen Muslims deny that the Taliban are real Muslims, or Jews deny that zionists are real Jews. Why is it so hard for Christians to do the same?