They didn’t expect it that horrible. Same as the German disaster, close by my region, they didn’t expect it. It’s the fcking new reality.
I wish the best for the Spanish people. Hope the next days weather won’t be this hard.
They didn’t expect it that horrible. Same as the German disaster, close by my region, they didn’t expect it. It’s the fcking new reality.
I wish the best for the Spanish people. Hope the next days weather won’t be this hard.
That entire article reads like a mind fuck. Wtf who cares.
Good points. Im not sure if social progress is bound to technological progress but think it’s interlinked somehow. Our social progress is worth the overall progress, to be honest.
I’m entering the 50 soon - grown up with C64 - and thinking a lot about my kids and my childhood. It’s so much better for kids nowadays.
All the brutality and all the loneliness has gone. Thanks to Me-Too. Still so many kids at my age have been beaten, so many young girls abused in my generation. I’m talking with my friends about this nowadays. The generation of my parents are even worse. Still trying to talk with them about their childhood. Remember this was the generation grown up by facists&racists after the WW2.
Your way back search engine It even comes a surprise me button
No backbone those flappers
I second your proposal. Just call them all „Bart“ and „ Maggie“ if female
Holy shit I had a Note 7 - and loved it.
I‘m the one with that rope. A Lemmnja.
Muss ich mir merken Thermit-Reaktion. Wenn dann bald die humanoiden Roboter in Kriegen eingesetzt werden (und sie endlich wissen wie Türen zu öffnen sind), dann werde ich die Terminator therminieren.
Oh, I see it’s an English thread. So, actually that will be my way of fighting the Terminator in the coming wars with Humanoid Robots (once they figured out how to handle door handles). I will thermitinate the Terminator. As a note to my future self.
That is a bit how humans always explained human experiences - by explaining it through how modern technology works.
Years ago it were mechanical mechanisms that explained how we think. Before that it was a pinhole camera. Today it is information technology.
But that‘s not how humans think, interact, and live in the world. You’re model doesn’t explain why some people are boring and some are meszmerising. Some spoken words can resonate with your body and emotion (think of songs) some not. Some people such as Italians speak with hands and gestures as well and need it to understand the other.
That‘s why for me web calls are okay for just some information sharing but when it comes to even more intense and effective exchange, humans have to be in one room - to be in wave.
With just showing an idea, the problem is that humans aren’t in your head and see the world through the windows of the eyes (pinhole camera concept). Humans interact and move and see the world. That’s btw one of the breakthroughs in robotics - moving robots can much better interact with the world.
Real world applications is what comes to light at the „Slope of Enlightment“ If QC has some, the tech is at this point.
One of my first games. I stared at those moving lines for a long time.
Note to myself: Whenever I do contracts or somehow being responsible, I‘ll put a proxy company in between. If things go bad, I just shut down that responsible proxy and am out of duty.
Just an interesting observation about business behavior.
Probably it’s both: the low industry production and the successful switch of power creation towards renewables