Bob, while Bill had had had had had had had, had had had been more correct.
Bob, while Bill had had had had had had had, had had had been more correct.
Police police police police. Who polices the police police? The police police police police police police.
Don’t worry I like you.
It should be much more. A dollar a gallon tax.
Whenever I see an ad telling me how my life could be better if I just bought the next widget, I think of a line from the princess bride:
“Life IS pain. Anybody who tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something.”
The planet is clearly on fire.
Who are these idiots? Why can’t they see objective reality? Do they think 100° ocean water in Florida is ok?
We are living the “don’t look up” story line.
What kind of moron can see this…
I don’t get any porn… Am I doing something wrong?
Not once.
To discover a never before seen error. I love that feeling
I was banned from fark many years ago, I forget why.
I didn’t exist before, and I still don’t. I have never existed, and I never will.
I wouldn’t try meta’s anything.
I wouldn’t try a meta fire extinguisher if I was on fire.
This is great news. Good for Greece.
The old people of Greece are very conservative, in general.
The young people are generally progressive, but in a way most Americans might not recognize. Much of the youth of Greece align themselves with Russia, because socialism = good (bad logic on many levels).
And by the same token, much of the youth of Greece is fairly anti-usa, since they’re the historical enemy of Russia.
But, I hope this march toward increased tolerance continues.
Someone smarter than me once said, “if your using a service, and it seems free, then YOU are the product being bought and sold”
I don’t think this is always true, but it usually is.
Lemmy is the Nicolette of reddit