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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023

  • Private weather station?

    It’s pretty much impossible to make reliable forecasts based on the data of a singular weather station. The initial data comes in from a variety of sources including satellites, radars, surface observation stations (weather stations) and upper air soundings around the globe. All of the above are maintained by public sector organizations who collaborate and share the data because the weather is an inescapably global thing. During WW2 the Germans actually set foot in Canada to set up a weather station in an attempt to spread the coverage of their observation network.

    Nowadays all that data is used as inputs for numerical weather prediction models, running on supercomputers in the basements of meteorological institutes and agencies. Big global ones like ECMWF and GFS are used pretty much by all meteorologists around the world, who look at those and other smaller, more local models. They compare the different forecasts and critically evaluate the probabilities of different outcomes. They apply their own judgement selecting the most credible raw forecast and then edit that if needed. All in all, it’s a very global effort.

    At least where myself and @[email protected] are from, meteorologists at the public broadcasting company (where that title is a requirement for getting the job) collaborate closely with their colleagues at the national meteorological institute. Their job is to comprehend the situation as presented by the institute, decide which bits of it are important, and then boil that down into a smooth and easy to understand presentation.

    If a weather reporter isn’t an actual meteorologist, then there is an actual meteorologist behind the scenes who made the presentation for the reporter to present.

  • Deme@sopuli.xyztoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldMale Loneliness
    6 months ago

    Sorry for the late reply. I admit I haven’t read the book and thus can’t comment on it, but the movie is a great commentary on fascism, because it surprises us by making us notice that “Wait a second, I’m rooting for the fascists. How did that happen?!”. The visual messaging is pretty clear with the giant eagles, Hugo Boss leather uniforms and overall militarlism and xenophobia, but it goes much deeper than that.

    Everyone gets free healthcare and education, as long as you’re part of ‘us’ instead of ‘them’. We’re used to the fascism where ‘us’ is some ethnic or religious group of humans and ‘them’ is some different group of humans. In starship troopers however, the fascism gets to fly under the radar by making the entirety of humanity the in-group. The aliens don’t need to be dehumanized because they’re quite clearly not human. Yet they feel fear and are only reacting to the spread of humans into their neighbourhood, while humans are outright shouting for genocide. “The only good bug is a dead bug!”

    Wisecrack made a good breakdown of this a while back.

  • Deme@sopuli.xyztoMemes@sopuli.xyzEuropa is so cool
    7 months ago

    Fair, I messed up the names there. Moonette is the synonym of that that I was thinking of.

    But a satellite (natural or artificial) is any object that orbits around a celestial body. The Earth is a satellite just as the Moon is one. Subsatellite is just the satellite of a satellite, but that depends on context. Moons fit that definition, but aren’t usually considered subsatellites because we don’t usually think of planets as the satellites of the Sun that they are.

  • Deme@sopuli.xyztoMemes@sopuli.xyzEuropa is so cool
    7 months ago

    A moonlet moonette is a natural satellite of a moon without being a moon itself. A planet is also a natural satellite of a star. The use of the word “moon” as a common term for natural satellites of planets is well established in professional terminology.

  • Yeah the number if immigrants is very little even by our standards, but our right wing government is doing all it can to stoke fears of a Russian hybrid operation, just so that they get an excuse to shut down the border. Ironically, that’s exactly what Russia wants them to do because such disregard for human rights naturally inflames internal political tensions here.

    There would be significantly less drama if we just took them in with due processing, but now that the racist nationalists party is in government with a spineless sack of shit as the PM, they’re not going to do that.

  • I’m pretty sure that the important bit here was the quality of those particles, not their quantity.

    The study was designed to detect aerosols covered with “meteor dust” left behind by space rocks that burned up upon entry. Instead, the plane detected high levels of metallic elements contaminating the floating molecules, none of which could be explained by meteors or other natural processes.

    The discovery “represents the first time that stratospheric pollution has been unquestionably linked to reentry of space debris,” researchers wrote in the statement.

    In total, the study identified 20 different metallic elements that do not naturally occur in Earth’s atmosphere, including silver, iron, lead, magnesium, titanium, beryllium, chromium, nickel and zinc.

    The team suspects that the main source of the pollution is rocket boosters that are ejected by rockets shortly after they clear the upper atmosphere, then fall back to Earth.