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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • So find a single quote of the Latin American countires opposing the text as written had a thing to do with nato. You can’t.

    You do realize the majority of these exact same states (including India, who you listed as supporting the war. What?) have already condemned the war at the UN. So no, it’s not as simple as pro us and anti us. Countires do indeed have interests beyond america or Russia and indeed do have bilateral concerns.

    Just because you can’t see the world through anything but the US lense doesn’t mean the rest of the world can’t. And just because you think Latin America should have every action they take be shaped by their relationship with the u tied states doesn’t mean they think that.

    So unless you can actually put up some evidence rather than your wild conjecture I’m afraid I’m done here.

  • No, you can’t. Intonation and tone is very different in different languages.

    And sounding emotional is not the same thing as good acting, for example over delivery is a thing. Something you could not tell without speaking the language. Acting is a lot more than sounding emotional. Good acting is even more than that

  • I e got collective thousands of hours in paradox titles. The good dlcs (and there are trash ones I haven’t bought) adds dozens of hours of playtime. They also keep the mod community active which adds hundreds more.

    It seems expensive but 10-20 bucks every few months is reasonable to me.

    My gogger issue is some of them are starting to feel very oaybto win with the feature/power creep (compare vanilla Russia/Ottomans in EUIV to dlc versions for an example)

  • How can you know if the delivery is better if you don’t even know which words are being inflected upon, if they are being said awkwardly, so on and so forth.

    That you use Star Wars kinda cements the point. The prequels were infamous for their odd dialogue and stilted deliveries.

    It’s not that the voice acting or delivery is better; it’s that you can’t tell the difference because you don’t know what it should sound like.

  • 2020

    So after Russia invaded? Did you forget Crimea?

    Not to mention Sweden of all places can’t even get into NATO. You think an Ukraine that was partially occupied was getting in? You think the Russian government doesn’t know that?

    Are you ignoring NATO membership for Ukraine was already torpedoed by France and Germany who are only changing their mind now because Russia decided to try and take the whole country? So no NATO has not “consistently postured” any such thing. It was explicitly decided at The 2008 summit to not offer them (or Georgia) membership. The US cannot unilaterally add anyone to NATO. Nor does the general-security of NATO get to decide that. No action plan or invitation was offered. The words have about as much weight as countries claiming they will stop global warming. Without concrete action, meaningless.

    I’m not sure when you are citing the Monroe doctrine like that established some kind of precedent when Russia has been invading and neighbors before the United States was even a country.

    I don’t care who Latin American decides to back. That’s their sovereign right. You know, that thing that’s being violated by Russia. I never said anything about it.

    What I adressed was a comment playing apologetics for Russia with inconsistent application of its standards.

    So don’t try and hide behind the some “might makes right””geopolitics” BS now.

    After all, if our standards and morals don’t apply to the conversation since these are globe coinquering monsters who will do whatever they can get away then why are you still making excuses for Russia and blaming it in NATO.

    Because you have an agenda.