• 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Are they going to drop the constant data collection, or is that data collection also considered ‘secure’?

    Microsoft admitted that it could have taken steps to prevent two aggressive nation-state cyberattacks from China and Russia

    Microsoft spent years ignoring a vulnerability while he proposed fixes to the “security nightmare.” Instead, Microsoft feared it might lose its government contract by warning about the bug and allegedly downplayed the problem, choosing profits over security

    Jesus fucking Christ Microsoft.

    Edit: OP, the article currently links to page 2, which is a bit odd to read first. Here is page 1.

  • Retro gaming on period-appropriate hardware and OS in 20 years will. (And there likely won’t be security updates for the OS, you would be dumb to connect it to the internet)

    Heavy machinery shipping with windows today does.

    Your OS not having the correct lan/wan driver happens even today (just less often).

    Having an internet outage happens today as well.

    Yeah but none of these use cases call for Windows 11.

    All the use cases I mentioned are relevant with Windows 11. There is a reason people have been yelling Linux around every corner, and it is because of continued bad decisions by Microsoft like requiring and internet connection for stuff that simply shouldn’t.

  • I remember it used to be quite common to install an OS and not have internet access. The OS simply lacked the correct LAN or WAN driver; alternatively one might be setting up an OS during an outage.

    What would you even do with a PC that never has internet access? (apart from controlling some machinery maybe).

    This is actually a massive use-case. Basically every piece of heavy machinery is using the OS it shipped with. Those systems naturally are forbidden from connecting to the internet but happily plug away at their job.

    Legacy software in general is a great reason; retro gaming on period-appropriate hardware and OS, for example.