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Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Riots are the voices of the unheard. The French govt has a long and proud tradition of violently oppressing protests. Things in France have been contentious all year over a variety of issues. What exactly are the French people supposed to do? A letter writing campaign to stop having their rights stripped away? Sit quietly outside of Parliament and ask nicely to stop being oppressed? Politely ask that the pigs only crush their neck a little? If you abhor disruptive and violent political action done by the people, surely you’ve found the non-violent alternative that works better. What is it?

  • Where did I claim 65% of the population was actively suppressed? I’m assuming you’re talking about my comment. Never said that. As a matter of fact, I never said anything about voter suppression at all and neither did the comment above mine.

    The Dems ran a weak campaign with the human equivalent of a wet fart for a candidate. The progressive candidate, Nikki fried, hardly received any mainstream coverage (I wonder why) and lost the primaries. You were right that people didn’t feel motivated to vote. I worked to change that but at the end of the day,.I don’t really blame anyone for not turning up to vote for a spineless, moderate, ex-republican-cum-democrate. The people want change. And that wasn’t what the Dems were offering.

    However, I would like to add, that voter suppression is a much larger issue than you’re making it out to be. And not a lot of it is the highly visible forms that you’ve been describing. Just a few ways that people have been prevented from voting:

    -Vote by mail ballots being disqualified

    -vote by mail becoming more restricted

    -Making voter registration difficult and inaccessible

    -Arresting people for voter fraud on no legal basis

    -voter intimidation via poll watching


    And those are just what I could think of off the top of my head. Thats just a part of a greater conversation on how our elections are poorly designed. How first past the post voting, leads to a lot of the problems we have today. How the electoral college should be abolished. How the bills our government pass don’t correlate at all with popular support/majority opinion. I could go on. The extraordinary evidence you want to see is out there. Voter suppression and terrible election practices are a blight on this country.

  • Meatballs opposition was former republican governor Charlie Crist. The dem candidate was about as lackluster as possible, to the point that I think it was almost intentional. At least on Crists’ part. We had Nikki Fried running for the seat too and she got pushed out in a similar fashion as Bernie did back in '16. I kind of get why many people weren’t racing to the polls last year but it still sucks and desantis was clearly an existential threat to the state. The FL Dems need to engage their younger base because this “lesser of two evils” crap is killing the country

  • 35% of the population turned out to vote. Of that 35, 59% voted for desantis, or 21% of the total population. A minority of people decided for the rest of us. I voted, and got out to encourage others to vote. Attended protests, events and generally tried to be active. Florida is a big state and most of us, despite the low turnout, didn’t and don’t want this man running our government. I hate what he’s doing to the state I was born and raised in, I’m being forced out of my home by inflation and growing hostility to my values. Say what you want about our government, but there are a lot of us who didn’t ask for this and tried out hardest to avoid it.

  • Pretty sure it’s just paid for media hype. This is just the pushback of journalists who were somehow convinced that people actually like zuck now, and/or were paid to drum up more drama around this to drive engagement. This happens a lot. It’s like the distant, braindead cousin of moral panics. I’m not sure what societal harm could come of this constant bickering about inconsequential “discourse” like this but it sure is annoying