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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Why would a TV need an update? What’s changed that would require updating to continue to display the signal it’s getting?

    I have a Vizio that isn’t connected to the Internet and it’s essentially a computer monitor for my htpc that I control.

    If it ever forces me to update I’m getting rid of it.

    My real concern is that in 10 years, my htpc loophole will be closed and they’ll datamine me anyway and force me into subscriptions regardless.

  • This could be a case of them cutting multiple covers at once.

    I had the same problem with jeans. I order the exact same style and size, but they don’t all fit the same. When I spoke to a Levi customer service person, they said they have multiple layers of fabric piled on top. Then the cutting blade presses down, and the fabric bends. As the top one is to short on measurements, the bottom most one is to long. So you want one in the middle.

    I know paper isn’t fabric, but it could be something similar. It’s speed and efficiency over accuracy.

  • No one wants to die at 75 - that’s a single decade (in old age, mind you, with limited options) to enjoy retirement. IF you managed to retire. There’s a lot of older people now that I work with that simply can’t retire, because they can’t afford it. That’s only going to get worse as we grow old and need to retire.

    We can’t enact Logan’s Run at 75 and assume it’ll fix anything. We’ll all work till we drop, which I don’t want for my children. Hell, my parents don’t want that for me now!