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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023


  • I was genuinely surprised when I saw Americans online arguing over the topic of free food in schools, i always hear the mantra “love thy neighbour” in media and such, but some are genuinely upset that someone less fortunate may get to eat at school.

    Is called hypocrisy, and it’s prevalent the more sociopathic a person is. Which is quite more common to see in the internet from the detachment/ lack of personal connection.

  • Hey, I’m autistic! I notice that if I don’t follow the group’s current propaganda fueled nonsense, I am seen as an outsider and hated for asking those hard-hitting questions. Eventually, they think I’m “inflexible” or “will not change my mind” and then say i am “supporting the other guy” or whatever. Like what is wrong with playing with a little of devils advocate to get the full picture. Sheesh

  • Yes, but I usually add my public key to the authorized_keys file and turn off password authentication once i do login with a password. On top of that, I have a sshpass one line command that takes care of this for me. It’s much easier than trying to manually type a password for the next time. I save it and just run it every time I think about using password login. Next time I need to ssh, I know the password login is not necessary.

    sshpass -p ‘PASSWORD’ ssh [email protected] “echo ‘`cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`’ > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && echo ‘Match User !root
    PasswordAuthentication no
    Match all’ > /etc/ssh/sshd_config’ && exit” && ssh [email protected]

    At the next reboot, your system will now only accept key logins, except for root. I hope the root user password is secure. I don’t require it for root because if a hacker does gain shell access, a password(or priv esc exploit) is all they need to gain root shell. It is also a safety net in case you need to login and lost your private key.

  • Aside from dlpkl’s loose emotionally driven argument, I personally believe doing it to any animal is just sad and terrible. On the contrary, I do realize the tough world we live in, and these pets need meat to eat. I rather hope this arrest is over the fact that it is possible these puppies could not be put to death in a humane manner. Also, I wish there are more regulations on humane treatment of animals. Even humans are not always treated humanely. I wouldn’t ever want human babies to be used for animal food either, so it’s always a moving line, you know, because that’s what a complex subject like this brings.