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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • 0x01@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlVLC Player
    1 month ago

    We don’t deserve our open source heroes, so grateful for the incredible free software ecosystem

    Gimp, 7zip, blender, vlc, open office, the kernel, thousands of others, I feel like our lives have been universally improved by these inverted charity projects. The few taking care of the undeserving many.

  • I’m a 10 year pro, and I’ve changed my workflows completely to include both chatgpt and copilot. I have found that for the mundane, simple, common patterns copilot’s accuracy is close to 9/10 correct, especially in my well maintained repos.

    It seems like the accuracy of simple answers is directly proportional to the precision of my function and variable names.

    I haven’t typed a full for loop in a year thanks to copilot, I treat it like an intent autocomplete.

    Chatgpt on the other hand is remarkably useful for super well laid out questions, again with extreme precision in the terms you lay out. It has helped me in greenfield development with unique and insightful methodologies to accomplish tasks that would normally require extensive documentation searching.

    Anyone who claims llms are a nothingburger is frankly wrong, with the right guidance my output has increased dramatically and my error rate has dropped slightly. I used to be able to put out about 1000 quality lines of change in a day (a poor metric, but a useful one) and my output has expanded to at least double that using the tools we have today.

    Are LLMs miraculous? No, but they are incredibly powerful tools in the right hands.

    Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater.

  • It certainly feels like the cost of groceries has been growing at a much more significant pace than the one reported here, it may be worth discussing the methodologies used.

    Is this using the average of all goods as in the grocery store has 100 cereals by 10 brands and only 5 cereals have increased their prices by 50% therefore the general trend is pretty flat?

    Or is it accounting for volume purchased as well? If those 5 cereals account for 95% of all cereal volume, the metric should be much more heavily swayed by their rate of increase.

    I say this because perhaps it feels worse than it appears in these metrics because the specific brands and products available to us and frequently purchased may be inflating higher than industry averages, and “hiding in plain sight”

  • 0x01@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlIs the purpose of life to be happy?
    9 months ago

    We yearn for answers to why we’re here, there’s a reason religion has been such a huge part of there human consciousness for so long, our brains are hard wired to find reasons for everything.

    Since there is no known objective answer to this question, I’ll answer it subjectively, recognizing that my life experiences have tainted my views.

    Life has no purpose. People who do immense “evil” will not be punished. People who do immense “good” will not be rewarded.

    Your existence is a beautiful, flighty phenomenon. You are a heap of octillions of atoms that somehow gained self awareness. Your happiness is merely a chemical exchange in your skull meat, it’s fine to strive for happiness but it’s fleeting.

    I personally strive for serenity, accepting reality for what it is and making peace with it. Nothing matters, we’re all going to lose the gift of consciousness through inevitable death, and that’s okay.

  • I found hundreds of full length movies in chinese on youtube, and used ytdl to download them all for the day they are inevitably removed. I just searched for some popular movies by chinese name and used the filter for long length. If you want the script I wrote to download whole playlists lmk

    Edit: found this

    In the Oval Office on Thursday, Biden made clear that he was moving forward with wall construction grudgingly, in order to comply with funds appropriated by Congress in 2019. He said he had tried and failed to get Congress to redirect the funding it had allocated for wall construction in south Texas. “The money was appropriated for the border wall. I tried to get them to reappropriate, to redirect that money. They didn’t. They wouldn’t. In the meantime, there’s nothing under the law other than they have to use the money for what it was appropriated for. I can’t stop that,” he said.

  • Raised mormon, did the mission thing, moroni’s promise was bullshit so I switched to general christianity, realized that it’s just another brand of bullshit. Currently agnostic/atheist/who cares.

    IF there’s a god, he’s not a fucking primate with a sphincter- humans are so freaking narcissistic to think the “ultimate” being of all time is just like them.

    IF there’s a god, why would he be omniscient/omnipresent? You created this post, do you actively control how it interacts with people’s minds?

    IF there’s a god, and he’s the christian idea of a god, he’s evil. No loving being would send their “children” to a test (omniscient, knowing the future) knowingly sending them to a place where the result would be them suffering for eternity.

    IF there’s a god, their existence doesn’t answer the question of where we came from, what came before god? If your answer to this question is “god just always was” you’re an idiot who missed the point.