With my job I get other people’s hydro bills to split between upper and lower tenants and I see their bills too. While I find this bill exceptionally high, it’s not really out of whack. This is just what we pay for electricity here (in BC Canada)
So, its not a $700 monthly bill, it’s $350, which is a pretty important detail to leave out.
2500 kWh is pretty massive though. We have a smaller house but with multiple air window conditioners running we only use roughly 1k a month.
You’re electricity is actually significantly cheaper than mine, Our base price is the $0.14 kWh, which is lower than the standard rate from the utility company which last I remember was something like $0.23.
Lol. I just told you I didn’t do anything different.
I didn’t do anything odd. We have central ac and ran it conservatively, and had it off for 2 weeks during vacation also.
We are on 2 month billing cycles, so this is for 60 days. But I said I got blasted with the bill this month, which is in fact the case.
Holy crap, that’s crazy. I stand corrected. There’s got to be an error with this. Have you called the utility? That’s just nuts.Nevermind. This is for two months, and it’s CAD. That’s completely different than OMG my bill is $700!!
With my job I get other people’s hydro bills to split between upper and lower tenants and I see their bills too. While I find this bill exceptionally high, it’s not really out of whack. This is just what we pay for electricity here (in BC Canada)
Canada. That’s why. I wish OP here had said that originally.
Oh is that why? Why, because we make our power and don’t buy it from Canada? 😂
You make your power now? Is that why you’re being charged $350 a month to use it? Interesting.
We - used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together.
Interesting. I wonder if I meant “we” as in Canadians?
Keep trying dude.
So, its not a $700 monthly bill, it’s $350, which is a pretty important detail to leave out.
2500 kWh is pretty massive though. We have a smaller house but with multiple air window conditioners running we only use roughly 1k a month.
You’re electricity is actually significantly cheaper than mine, Our base price is the $0.14 kWh, which is lower than the standard rate from the utility company which last I remember was something like $0.23.
Yup, mystery solved.