Clinton carried all the baggage of Bills issues, she ignored swing states she needed to win on the campaign trail and no one wanted her to win the nomination.
The party forced her canidacy because it “was her turn.”
Then she unleashed Trump on the republicans and shot the country in the face.
Her blaming it on anyone except herself for the last 10 years solidifies why she shouldnt have ran in the first place.
Remember how they blatantly sabotaged Bernie’s primary campaign and justified all their dirty tricks because they felt he was ‘unelectable’?
Funny how now they have a blatantly unelectable candidate in office, they’ve done a complete 180 and are demanding voters support him unconditionally.
Sure, if she had been perfect I probably would have voted for her, but she’s missing a few details.
She is best known for her smearing of people that are not are part of the status quo, while going on a sore loser campaign to talk with people and explain to them how to win an election, due to learning so much from 2016…
At least she isn’t blaming internalized misogyny anymore, or having 2nd-wave feminists say women who supported bernie only did so because of their hormones and cute boys. Honestly the fact taht over 8 years later, the establishment websites are still listening to either of the Clinton’s highlights a real problem with the current Democratic party past and future electoral strategy.