switched from Fedora because I lose write access to my home directory, Wallpaper: https://w.wallhaven.cc/full/3l/wallhaven-3lyl1d.png
switched from Fedora because I lose write access to my home directory, Wallpaper: https://w.wallhaven.cc/full/3l/wallhaven-3lyl1d.png
I mean if you ditch Windows and use Linux you might as well go all the way
Atta boy :)
I like that move, no need to be cold
That’s the way. Nothing improves the experience on Linux as much as a bit of learning curve. You may go with easy few clicks setup distro and then once you stumble upon any issue you’re clueless. Besides, Arch is much easier to understand than something like Ubuntu.
It’s a good and easy way to learn Linux.