This is a rant about dumb password policies enforced by some websites or apps. If you see these password rules forced to you, try to stay away if possible.

Can’t use special characters, or use a pre-defined special characters only

Are you storing the password in plaintext that your database will break when have special characters?

Password can’t be longer than X characters

Most probably storing the password in plaintext and their database column is limited to those characters limit.

Password expire every X months, without notice, suddenly can’t login. Reset it and can’t use the last 5 passwords

They store your previous passwords, either encrypted or plaintext.

    1 year ago

    My works payroll bullshit, you mightve heard of the company, makes us change the password every so often and it can’t be one we used before. I work in a warehouse driving a forklift. There are people who can barely operate the computers they installed 5+ years ago still. It’s dumb af. But no one would listen to me on it so I don’t even bother.