An electrical fire that starts in your shed isn’t confined to your property by magic force fields. Your improperly installed wiring is a threat to the neighborhood.
Improperly wiring something up on your property with the risk of causing a fire makes that action no longer confined to your property, even if before the fire, all of the wiring is on your side of the line. There’s simply no reasonable way for just a shed without the accidental pyrotechnics can bring enough risk of harm to your neighbors that it could be considered a violation of their rights.
An electrical fire that starts in your shed isn’t confined to your property by magic force fields. Your improperly installed wiring is a threat to the neighborhood.
Improperly wiring something up on your property with the risk of causing a fire makes that action no longer confined to your property, even if before the fire, all of the wiring is on your side of the line. There’s simply no reasonable way for just a shed without the accidental pyrotechnics can bring enough risk of harm to your neighbors that it could be considered a violation of their rights.