This is what the new GOP they are 100% embrace white supremacy and are welcoming fascism into America.

We must stop them by voting and if that doesn’t work…

    1 year ago

    How do we unscramble this egg?

    Biologist here. The easiest way to unscramble an egg is to feed it to a chicken.

    I think one of the main problems we’re confronting is that about a third of the electorate is fine with the violent overthrow of democracy and its replacement by christian nationalist hegemony, while another third wants to treat it as politics as usual. The latter is where we get things like the media talking about the “debate” over J6.

    It’s the normalization of (frankly) fascism that makes people think it’s a legitimate political position rather than an existential threat to the US. Gilead has been brought up so often that it feels trite to say it, but I think it’s accurate. Atwood did not explicitly treat the banality of evil, though. If the radicalism of the far-right that is dominating the republican party was called out more, I think they’d be bleeding voters. They already are, but there are still a lot of people who, if things like the DeSantis laws were properly explained in their effects, would quit the party. Their safety from being the targets of the laws leave them open to only evaluating republican messaging, and even news reporting often holds to the “two sides to the question” framing.

    There’s the old joke about the weather person announcing that some people are saying it’s raining and some are saying it’s not raining, and then conducting interviews. People who tend to stay inside are often willing to believe that it’s not raining, rather than sticking their heads outside, and that’s due in no small part to the press pretending both sides are the same.

      1 year ago

      I hear you, whole heartedly, and I wish I knew what more I could do (if anything) to help. It’s so discouraging to see how effective the propaganda has become. I’m so tired of waiting on those prone to fear based rhetoric to die off. We can’t effectively persuade so many people in a timely fashion.