• fubo@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The folks whose support really matters to DeSantis are invested in other states and countries; they don’t depend on the success of the Florida economy for their continued wealth.

    They can import skilled immigrants to serve them in their nursing homes; then ensure those workers remain non-citizens — thus ensuring that they can be abused without any political recourse. So they don’t need their own city’s local children (who are mostly brown anyway, but are citizens — for the moment) to grow up to be doctors.

    Fascist strategy: To the working class, sell hate & cruelty for their entertainment, thus also providing a payoff to hate media outlets. To the rich, sell low taxes & no rights for the poors — but demand absolute political loyalty from business leaders, punishing political dissent even by the rich (see Disney). Get rid of birthright citizenship; establish a permanent racial servant underclass of immigrants without political rights.