I wrote MinimalGPT in about a weekend as a minimal chat client where everything is stored client side (chat messages aside obviously).
Entire conversations are stored local to your browser instead of a database etc…
Supports both GPT3.5 and GPT4 as well as basic DALL-E image generation. Possibly Bard integration in the future if anyone actually wants it.
The GitHub is available here
It’s nothing crazy, but for a simple chat client without any BS it is nice.
You have to provide your own API key but they hand them out like candy so have a blast!
Edit - Pushed out a small update that adds a toggle for auto saving new conversations. If disabled new conversations are only saved (locally) when you press the save icon.
After a conversation has been saved it is automatically updated/saved every time you send a message from there on out.
Should work on any platform, brave might be blocking some scripts.
If it works on the desktop or chrome mobile etc… it’s provably just Brave being overly aggressive.