Ages ago I bought a movie off of a certain company’s video streaming service. We will call them GRC for short since I do not want to draw the attention of their bots. I downloaded the movie onto my PC via the GRC Windows 11 app, but rather than a simple .mkv like I hoped, I found a folder with 5 different files. Two of them are .mp4s whose names end with audio_5 and video_12 respectively. Two of the files are something called .MPD files. One of them is something called a .DFXP File.

Does anyone know how I turn this mess into something I can play off a Plex or Jellyfin server? The *_video_12.mp4 is 110% encrypted since nothing plays when I run it through VLC.

    1 year ago

    There used to be a browser extension to dump the key to your browser console. May not work anymore. It should be possible go get the key from android phones (might need to root it) good luck but it may be just easier to grab it from a private tracker or make a request for it on one