Ages ago I bought a movie off of a certain company’s video streaming service. We will call them GRC for short since I do not want to draw the attention of their bots. I downloaded the movie onto my PC via the GRC Windows 11 app, but rather than a simple .mkv like I hoped, I found a folder with 5 different files. Two of them are .mp4s whose names end with audio_5 and video_12 respectively. Two of the files are something called .MPD files. One of them is something called a .DFXP File.

Does anyone know how I turn this mess into something I can play off a Plex or Jellyfin server? The *_video_12.mp4 is 110% encrypted since nothing plays when I run it through VLC.

    1 year ago

    Honestly. I’ll bet there’s even a web-dl version of OPs movie out there, so it’s the exact same thing sans drm.