There are many cultures around the world that are suppressed by majoritarianism. They have to face challenges like forced assimilation, language discrimination and refusal to acknowledgement of their unique identity. In fact, many cultures have been identified by UNESCO, that will soon cease to exist - either that they’re vulnerable, or completely extinct. How do you, as a minority, feel, knowing that your entire identity will cease to exist in a few decades? Do you have a sense of camaraderie towards other minorities from other parts of the world, say, the Ainu people, or the Brahui pastoralist?

    8 months ago

    How privilege must you be to cry about seing french on your cereal boxes. This is beyond pathetic. I’m starting to think it’s not that you don’t want to learn french, but you just lack the capability to do so. I mean how come the vast majority of kids in QC are able to learn english in primary school, , most immigrants can speak 3 or more langague, but english canadian are thought french for years but can’t even have a basic conversation. That’s strange. Also, calling french (an official language of your country) “an other langague” show your how colonialist your mindset is. Typical Canadian shit. If you wanna create your party to kick Quebec out, I’ll vote for it I promise. But don’t use political powers to alter the results like you did in 95 this time!