Any weird/controversial opinions? I’ll start. Before the remake, the best version of Resident Evil 4 was the Wii version. The Wiimote controls old Resi’s tank controls better than any other controller at the time. The PC version had a bunch of little bugs and detractors that the Wii version just doesn’t have.

I’ll extend this by saying that the Wiimote is actually pretty damn good for shooters, and particularly good for accessibility. Not having to cramp up my hands to press buttons is awesome for having arthritis. Aiming with the Wiimote and moving with the nunchuck just feel really natural, you barely have to move your fingers for anything.

    1 year ago

    Wow, I really disagree with you, but upvoted since that’s the point of this thread. I love DRG, however I didn’t love it the first time I played it. I had the same problem, I felt it was sort of shallow and I got lost, both literally in the maps and figuratively since I felt I had no goals and it felt repetitive.

    When I tried the game again a year or so later it just clicked. I love the end game of getting overclock mods and trying new weapon builds. I love that each class is fun to play and I don’t mind playing any of them. I love that I can relax with a lower hazard level mission or challenge myself with a higher hazard, but I don’t feel forced to play either since I’m rewarded regardless. I love that the developer that respects their player base and doesn’t have awful microtransactions.

    And like others have mentioned I think having such a positive and non competitive community helps a lot. ROCK AND STONE

    • otter
      1 year ago

      getting overclock mods and trying new weapon builds

      I’m not sure I got to this point, and tbh everytime I’ve played I’ve felt like I’m missing something, so my opinion might not be well grounded. But, I’ve given it quite a few tries and just never get to this point. I’ll give it another go though :)

        1 year ago

        I will say, if you’ve been playing alone or with 1 or 2 friends it’s so much more fun and engaging with a full party even if it’s just randos. Hosting a match will almost always get joiners within a couple minutes and barely anyone talks with how good the ping system is. It’s a lot more of an oh shit moment if you get caught alone with bugs swarming from every exit because of damage and health scaling with the number of players. Sometimes your scout pops a cocoon while everyone is separated and it’s a mad dash to find a good spot to fight the dreadnought, or someone called the drop pod before you did an event and now everyone has to work together to finish it asap before the pod leaves empty. Fellow dwarfs keep you on your toes. There’s also moments where everyone is in perfect sync and you easily crush whatever challenges the mission throws at you. Idk, if you already play with others this doesn’t really apply. But I think a lot of people play alone or with only 1 other person and miss out on what I feel like is the main fun of the game: the unpredictability of your teammates.