• Bleeping Lobster@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Would be great if they finished the one they just released!

    Patch 7, figured I’d give it a go as there’s been many patches. It still crashes very frequently. I don’t have a top-notch PC but the components either match or exceed the ‘recommended’ settings. Seeing lots of people with 4090 also having lots of crashes.

    • Bimfred@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Man, I keep hearing of the game running awful and crashing all the time, but that just was not my experience. I played it from day one. And yeah, the game did crash once and there were stutters in the wide-open areas of Koboh, but those were like half a second and while running around. My rig is no beast either, it’s a 5600X and a 3070. As a general rule, at 1080p Ultra, I was getting a stable 60+ fps.

      • Bleeping Lobster@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I’d be interested & grateful to know the answer to these qs, on your system… I imagine there are indeed some systems running it fine. Maybe this info can be helpful. Imo, it’s a combo of a massive, beautiful game that’s not been very well optimised for all PC use cases (which I accept, is a bit of a Sysphean task but other games seem to manage it).

        • Does your game do the ‘compiling system files to improve performance’ everytime you start it? I installed on my fastest m2 SSD, with that ‘compiler’ it takes me almost 10 mins to get into the game proper.

        • Do you run any overclocking software?

        • Did you buy the game via Steam or EA (or somewhere else)?

        • Which launcher do you use (I launch via Steam, going to try bypassing and launching direct from EA today)?

        • Bimfred@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Yeah, it compiled system files/shaders on every launch. I’m honestly surprised they coded the game to do that instead of storing the shaders after first launch, though I suppose it’s to account for newer drivers possibly changing the shader pipeline. I think I ran it off my M.2 drive, loading times to get in-game were around 5 minutes and nearly all of that was shader compile.

          I haven’t overclocked my CPU or GPU, but I have enabled the XMP equivalent on my RAM. That still only brings it up to 32GB@3200MHz.

          Bought and launched through Steam.

          And optimizing for PC is HARD. There’s countless permutations of hardware. As a developer you can aim for the median configuration, the rig built of all the most common components, but what do you do when that’s just not enough oomph to run the game well? Hell, there’s variability even among the same components. CPUs of the same model can ramp up to higher or lower boost speeds due to minute imperfections in the silicon. Someone else, who got the same RAM sticks as I did, might find that their system becomes unstable at 3000MHz. As the components get more and more intricate, such tiny faults can have mounting effects on overall performance.