• comfyquaker@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    i had a similar instance. when i was younger ~10 i remember waking up scared by a nightmare around midnight. i decided i’d go to my sisters room because she was likely still up and i didn’t want to wake my parents.

    her room was on the second floor so i had to quietly run in the dark and up the stairs as to not disturb my parents.

    when i got to the steps i began hearing a crowd of people and with each step up the stairs it got louder and louder. i recall it being one of the loudest things i’ve ever heard. at the landing of the stairs it was so loud i collapsed onto the door handle and swing it open. then just like that the noise stopped and it was silent.

    my sister was up watching a movie and looked over curious to why i made such a dramatic entrance. i don’t recall ever saying anything i just curled up on her floor watching a movie until i fell asleep.

    i’m in my 30s and i still think about that event at least once a year and it still gets my heart pumping! thankfully it has never happened since.

  • TheSmartDude@lemmy.worldOP
    1 year ago

    When I’m awake at late-night, I sometimes hear children laughing in the corridors of my apartment.

    It sounds similar to how it does in the day, which means that it’s neither quiet enough for me to not hear, nor loud enough to disturb me.

    Usually, it’s only for a minute or two, and I can ignore it if I want to, since it doesn’t scare me that much.

      • duncesplayed@lemmy.one
        1 year ago

        I had a very realistic visual hallucination once (hypnopompic). I was coming out of a nap while I had a fever. I looked over, and beside the bed was a young woman staring at me intently. She leaned over to bite/eat me, but calmly and without any emotion. As soon as she got within touching distance of me, she started to vanish, from the centre-out, and within a couple seconds was totally gone.

        I was really struck by how real she seemed. She looked exactly like a real person.

        But I just knew she wasn’t real (the same way that you just know things in dreams). Because of that, I didn’t find it scary at all. I remember being a little curious what kind of sensations I would “feel” when she actually made contact with me, and was a mixture of disappointed/relieved when she vanished at that point. But strangely(?) not scared.

        • Shelena@feddit.nl
          1 year ago

          I had something similar, also when I had a fever. A little boy with clothes as if he was from the 20s was standing near my bed and looking at me. Really strange. I was not scared either.

  • I_Has_A_Hat@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    When I was very young, my family lived in Cameroon for a while (Dad was an expat). Storms always scared me because we lived on the top floor of an apartment building and when the wind would pick up you could feel the building sway.

    But there were 2 storms at night that got REALLY bad. The kind where there’s barely 5 seconds between strikes. During both storms, the thunder would get louder and more frequent until it felt like it was right on top of us. Suddenly there would be a MASSIVE thunderclap, so big it made everything shake, and then… drums.

    Deep and heavy, pounding to a consistent tempo, I could hear them so clearly. At the same time, the shadows around my room would begin to swirl and form into vaguely person-like shapes which began to move around my room to the rhythm of the drums. I would run screaming from my room to my parents who heard nothing of the sort, not even the massive thunderclap that started it. I’m not sure what they thought after the second time it happened, but we moved away shortly afterwards and I never experienced anything like it again.

  • FollyDolly@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    When I was in college I rented a room in a house with three other people, one of whom made a habit of coming home plastered in the middle of the night. Several times I would wake up to hear the mistakeable sounds of drunk cooking. I would roll out of bed to go stop my roomate from burning the damn house down, only to arrive to a dark kitchen. Nothing out of place. Roomate still gone.

    My other roomies had similar experiences when they were home, coming to make sure drunk cooking was supervised, only to find no one there. The guy who owned the house also reported hearing someone in big heavy work boots coming up and down the stairs, but nothing was ever there.

    It wasn’t a town house, and there was yard between the houses so I couldn’t chalk it up to hearing the neighbors. Plus both nieghbors had young kids and worked alot, so I couldn’t picture them drunk cooking so loud at 2am we heard it in our house. So I dunno. Super weird.