How good would the experience be with a linux phone and an external camera?

I’ve got a pixel 6 and although camera’s are getting better each year, it’s not even close to a dslm. And video qualit is probably better with a proper action camera.

I mean, directly “mounting” the camera to the phone and shooting with the phone.

    9 months ago

    Just a thought, but in a few years all old ugly photos can be refined, upscaled, content edited, rotated and animated - in 32K ultra. It could even recognize the exact mobile model a random photo was taken with and pre-set the best filters.

    It prolly won’t matter much if the photo is taken with a hundred year old handheld plate camera or a brand new digital mounted one - it will look great regardless.

    Are you sure photo hardware is the way to go ? I think I would just use whatever you already have and upgrade the pictures later when the software allows it.