Here’s a couple examples from my life:

  1. Safety Razor. I get a better shave and it’s like $15 for 100 razor blades, which lasts me a couple years. Way way way better than the disposable multi-blade Gillette things, which sell 5 heads for $20.

  2. Handkerchiefs. I am prone to allergies, so instead of constantly buying disposable tissues, we now have a stack of handkerchiefs that can just be used a few times and then thrown in the wash. This has also saved me loads.

What about you?

  • Call me Lenny/
    9 months ago

    Unless you live in Antarctica (in which case my advice probably won’t reach you anyways), instead of paying for heating all the time, just wear thicker clothing in your home. If common animals can survive even the outdoors of Oymyakon on account of their fur, the cold shouldn’t be any match for us pesky humans and our ability to improvise.