I must confess to getting a little sick of seeing the endless stream of articles about this (along with the season finale of Succession and the debt ceiling), but what do you folks think? Is this something we should all be worrying about, or is it overblown?
EDIT: have a look at this: https://beehaw.org/post/422907
This video by supermarket-brand Thor should give you a much more grounded perspective. No, the chances of any of the LLMs turning into Skynet are astronomically low, probably zero. The AIs are not gonna lead us into a robot apocalypse. So, what are the REAL dangers here?
So no, we’re not gonna see Endos crushing skulls, but if measures aren’t taken we’re gonna see inequality go way, WAAAY worse very quickly all around the world.
Hi @[email protected], finally got around to watching the video, thanks for letting me know about it.👍 One thing that really befuddles me about AI is the fact that we don’t know how it gets from point A to point Z as Mr. Dudeguy mentioned in the video. Why on earth would anyone design something that way? And why can’t you just ask it, “ChatGPT, how did you reach that conclusion about X?” (Possibly a very dumb question, but anyway there it is 🤷).