I’m at the point in the game where I can get the Shura ending. I doubt I’ll end up doing another playthrough. Not because I haven’t enjoyed the game, but it’s just not something I tend to do.
If you were to only do one ending in Sekiro, which would you go for?
You’ll miss out the best boss battles in the game if you do Shura ending. Go for any other ending.
Definitely wouldn’t be Shura ending, I feel you miss out on too much of the game
Definitely the child of rejuvenation ending. That has the most content and lore compared to other endings.
Is that the purification ending?
If I remember correctly, it should be the “Homecoming” ending.
If you do just one playthrough, then I wouldn’t recommend going with the shura ending, you’ll miss quite a bit of the game.
the shura ending ends halfway through the story, Id recommend going for any other ending first.