• NABDad@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I understand.

    Migrants drowning isn’t entertainment unless you’re a sociopath.

    Millionaires and Billionaires slowly suffocating in a little tube at the bottom of the ocean because they wanted to spend their money on something pointlessly dangerous just for bragging rights?

    Make some popcorn.

    News as news doesn’t sell advertising dollars. If all you want is information about what’s happening in the world, we used to get that in 1 or 2 hours a night. Back then they’d only need to go back to the story if there was new information.

    Now there are organizations dedicated to spewing “news” 24x7. That’s not news, that’s entertainment. Once it becomes entertainment, it’s not about the information, it’s just about keeping the focus on what keeps eyeballs glued to the screen. Right now, that’s dying rich people.

    Hell, I doubt there is ever a time when the majority of people on earth don’t want to watch rich people suffer and die.