The moment that inspired this question:

A long time ago I was playing an MMO called Voyage of the Century Online. A major part of the game was sailing around on a galleon ship and having naval battles in the 1600s.

The game basically allowed you to sail around all of the oceans of the 1600s world and explore. The game was populated with a lot of NPC ships that you could raid and pick up its cargo for loot.

One time, I was sailing around the western coast of Africa and I came across some slavers. This was shocking to me at the time, and I was like “oh, I’m gonna fuck these racist slavers up!”

I proceed to engage the slave ship in battle and win. As I approach the wreckage, I’m bummed out because there wasn’t any loot. Like every ship up until this point had at least some spare cannon balls or treasure, but this one had nothing.

… then it hit me. A slave ship’s cargo would be… people. I sunk this ship and the reason there wasn’t any loot was because I killed the cargo. I felt so bad.

I just sat there for a little while and felt guilty, but I always appreciated that the developers included that detail so I could be humbled in my own self-righteousness. Not all issues can be solved with force.

    1 year ago

    Undertale: You’ve progressed through most of the game. You didn’t strike out at the monsters. You’ve done everything you could to avoid hurting those around you and yet strive for escape. Over and over You’ve been put up against a wall with your enemies striving to end you. You could fight back, you could react to this world of monsters and become like them, a monster.

    But you didn’t. You stand before a mirror in a house very similar to the one you were in at the start of the game. Looking into the mirror, you are affirmed.

    “Despite everything. It’s still you.”

    Despite everything I’ve gone through. Despite the hunger and gnawing to give in. To respond to the hatred and harm that has been inflicted on me with fury and bloodlust equal to the twisted delight others have taken in my suffering. I didn’t give in. I didn’t lose my joy in making others smile. I didn’t give up my interests and the rare and disparate moments of joy.

    Despite everything. It’s still me. I’m still here. I’m not a monster.

      1 year ago

      That game has left such a impression, that I printed me a big black poster with the text “stay determined” and the ❤️ with the original Font. It is still above my couch years later.