• RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.zip
    1 year ago

    Don’t get me wrong I’m glad all these traitors are speaking up about king traitor but I can’t help but feel like they all should be held accountable and not celebrated. It’s not like trump was some saint going into his presidency and we suddenly found out it was all a ruse. He literally has just been himself from day one. So these people willingly signed up to back a wannabe dictator and we are to believe they had a ‘ crisis of conscience’ and are now speaking out? Fuck that. These bottom feeders hitched their wagon to a losing party and now that it suits them they’re going full #metoo like we aren’t aware they supported and enabled all of it.

    Fuck her, fuck trump, they all need to be behind bars for getting us here. Send a clear message that Hitler wasn’t the only Nazi and just because they took off their Hugo boss uniforms and stopped goose stepping doesn’t mean they’re forgiven for their crimes.

    They’re just angling for the next con, trying to find a slightly more intelligent fascist to hitch their wagon to while they destroy the country. All of them should pay.

    • Potatos_are_not_friends@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Kinda. She chose that job. She ignored all the red flags. And now she’s going to do entertainment tours because nobody is hiring people who worked in Trump’s govt and boo fucking hoo, her bosses treated her badly.