An Israeli man attacked an Israeli woman with an axe in Jerusalem on Wednesday, mistakenly believing she was Christian, Anadolu reported yesterday, citing Israel’s Channel 13.

According to the media reports, police suspect that the attack, which took place in Jerusalem’s Old City, was motivated by “hatred of Christians”.

Eyewitnesses told the channel that the suspect shouted “Christian” at the victim before violently attacking her inside her home, leaving her with severe injuries. The suspect then fled the scene.

  • John
    13 days ago

    They are very different still. Being an American in itself has no affiliation with who is currently elected. It doesn’t mean you subscribe to the narratives of the current political party, or that you have participated in wrongdoings by other people throughout history. It is just something you are.

    Being born into a religion though is something you actually do. It is a practice & involves actions, which are usually associated with mental illness. If you practiced the same tenants of Christianity but instead talked to Fred who is an imaginary being living in the sky who told you to do things, you’d likely be diagnosed with a mental disorder.