I keep seeing this in edits, but where can you view this “Lyft-owned street-level imagery”??
Even searching for it comes up with nothing.
I keep seeing this in edits, but where can you view this “Lyft-owned street-level imagery”??
Even searching for it comes up with nothing.
Do you upload to Panoramax from within the MapComplete app or something else?
(Ooh, a wild mapcomplete mention!)
MapComplete is mostly for picturers about single elements. We run our own Panoramax server for those images, but don’t generally accept ““real”” streetview imagery where one systematically captures whole stretches of road. Those can be sent to the instance hosted by the french community (for now).
Signed, the mapcomplete dev
Thanks for chiming in—this confirms my suspicion about the MapComplete instance of Panoramax.
An OpenStreetMap France representative on the official forums informs me that long term, the French community’s instance is intended to host photos from France only.
This means unfortunately, from what I can tell, the rest of the world does not yet have a “home instance” for contributing stretches/sequences of street level imagery to Panoramax.
The way it was described to me on Mastadon was that, until your area has their own server, you can use the French server. It will work because each picture has its own consistent ID, which won’t change once they are moved to a new server when it comes online. If they changed their mind, I didn’t know.
I use the command line interface to upload mine, but the web UI is good as well, though a bit slower.