The files just aren’t there (yet?), website probably got updated prematurely.
In case you want to install testing for personal use (not for testing the ISO), the officially recommended way is to install a minimal stable system, change the sources.list to point to testing, do a dist-upgrade and then install what packages you need.
Your options are to test Stable instead, or wait till the Testing live images are available.
Since the supported way to install Debian is always via Stable, the Testing images are really only there for devs and bug squashers to test the installer itself before it’s released.
To install Debian testing, we recommend you use the Trixie Alpha 1 release of the installer, after checking its errata. The following images are available for Trixie Alpha 1:
However this is very early, Alpha, and NOT recommended for beginners or non enthusiasts or non Debian developers.
The files just aren’t there (yet?), website probably got updated prematurely.
In case you want to install testing for personal use (not for testing the ISO), the officially recommended way is to install a minimal stable system, change the sources.list to point to testing, do a dist-upgrade and then install what packages you need.
If you don’t need a live image, the regular one is here:
I want to test testing in my new laptop with windows installed.
Your options are to test Stable instead, or wait till the Testing live images are available.
Since the supported way to install Debian is always via Stable, the Testing images are really only there for devs and bug squashers to test the installer itself before it’s released.
This is false, I know one who installed them and they definitely are available:
However this is very early, Alpha, and NOT recommended for beginners or non enthusiasts or non Debian developers.
I don’t see live images there.