isn’t virtue signaling doing something good but just for shows? so he is implying that quitting fb is a good thing to do
Yes. But he’s so dumb he doesn’t realize it.
to be fair, the lizard people don’t have the concept of virtue
When someone does something you don’t want them to do, but the reason you don’t want them to do it is completely invalid - that’s when you call it virtue signalling.
Can’t he just call it woke like all the other right-wingers?
He’s still pretending that he isn’t.
Making a unnecessary public statement that they are quitting prob is, I don’t know.
Nah, that post helps their followers know where to find them.
He looks more and more like a cult leader every day.
I signaled that virtue a very, very long time ago.
I’ve been boycotting Facebook since before it was cool.
I did mine like ten years ago.
Virtue signaling is a good thing. The problem is lack of virtue, not presence of signals.
What I love most about the phrase “virtue signaling” is that when people accuse you of it they are themselves virtue signaling.
I want to agree, but terms like “vice” and “virtue” are subjective. To label what Cuckerberg and his ilk are doing as “virtue” signaling lends credibility to their idea that their vice is virtue. Similar to how the GOP calls themselves the party of “law and order”.
I don’t think of it in terms of the action being virtuous, but that they are signaling what they think is virtuous.
I like the term vice signaling, which is what they do all the time. at least I get virtue signaling. but these people are like “hey look how terrible I am” and it’s just baffling.
It’s weird to realize I would wait in line for like 45 minutes up piss on Zuckerberg’s grave, should the legal opportunity ever arise.
Just a thought for his next of kin to consider, in due time…
And how much extra to take a shit on it?
“vote with your wallet and you can affect a corporation!”
“Fuck you, I’m entitled to your participation (your data) or you’re a virtue signaler leftist baby.”
I wish I wasn’t an atheist, at least I’d have some comfort in knowing pieces of shit get what they deserve. Instead they just become billionaires and live amazing lives.
I’m not “virtue signaling” I’m tired. I’m tired of the ads.
I’m tired of the algorithm intentionally fueling flame wars.
I’m tired of INESCAPABLE “meme pages,” run by spam bots, that just recycle the same tired shit over and over and over again.
I’m tired of the THREE different video systems that are inexplicably not interoperable. Reels, Facebook Live, and video Instagram posts all showing up in my timeline but all are part of separate systems. Meanwhile, if I share a link to a YouTube video, it gets suppressed by the almighty algorithm. Because how dare I show my followers/friends something they’d might like to see if it takes their eyeballs away from Facebook.
Finally, I’m tired of companies selling people like me down the river to score political points with chuds.
I literally cannot stop getting “support our troops” or other “MAGA” style shit right now. Also random Zionist pages. I’ve never “liked” any of them, I’ve hit “hide posts like this” a million times, nothing fixes it. And if you actually tried to contradict people on those posts, I mean, the ones that get sent to you have 10,000 comments, you’re just shouting into the void.
Fuck you Zuck. Leaving Facebook has been great for me, it’s not virtue signaling, it’s a quality of life improvement.
Says the guy who suddenly started hitting all the typical shithead slogans and talking point as soon as it seemed beneficial.
Right? Wasn’t he super busy with “de-lizarding” and trying to be the cool friendly billionaire? That took a turn quickly lmao.
“It seems free speech is back on the menu.” - paraphrased, but that’s basically what he said. The Democrats were keeping free speech down!
It’s called being a political consumer, you dipshit
I’m just trying to save his neutered business from my feminine energy.
Lemmy user says anyone who doesn’t quit being CEO of Meta is ‘guillotine signaling’
Looks like he is starting to follow Elon down into the rabbit hole off asshattery.
He’s been an asshat at least as far back as when he was enrolled at Harvard. Facebook was originally called Facemash, a “hot or not” clone for guys at Harvard to rate the attractiveness of their female classmates (without consent).
Starting to? He’s been on that road at least as long as musk of not before.
Yeah, Zuckerberg is a leading alt-right figure since, like, what is it, January 15th now, so I think that was January 11th.
“Meta has us in a chokehold. They make money off our presence in order to continue to be in business and yet it’s too difficult for people to leave,” Makichen wrote.
Difficult? How? I’m pretty sure I still have an account on Facebook from it’s early days, but I haven’t logged in to it in more than a decade. Friends and family can reach me in other ways, like email or better yet a phone call.
They are talking about their business. The massage place I go to is primarily thru Facebook. They have their own site but it was easier to just request a appointment.
Many businesses have dead websites now, as all the visibility is just through Facebook and Google Maps.
It’s very different than Twitter, where most business use (outside of influencers and influence campaigns) amounts to status updates that can be given elsewhere.
Stan showed how in southpark s14e04. It was very easy.