All searches in my town (Gatineau) list it as Ottawa but should be Gatineau.
Gatineau - Quebec - Canada Is not Ottawa - Ontario - Canada
It’s very annoying and error inducing.
All searches in my town (Gatineau) list it as Ottawa but should be Gatineau.
Gatineau - Quebec - Canada Is not Ottawa - Ontario - Canada
It’s very annoying and error inducing.
The seach engine tries to infer the correct administrative area based on points. This is known behaviour of nominatim and doesn’t mean that the data is incorrect
Well I don’t know what is not incorrect if it list the incorrect city name.
Outaouais and Ottawa don’t overlap in the data, so OSM data is correct.
They do show up here because Nomatim is wrong, I’m sure Nomatim devs do their best but it’s often wrong, adding nearby locations.
I think here it sees this nearby node as near enough to be probably the correct city instead of looking at the boundary relation.
I have no idea who/what is nomatim or why OSM shows places with the wrong name I just see that and loose interest due to bad naming and my inability to fix it.
Maybe the data of the specific shops is incomplete? Check if these shops have the city name in their data on If not, add the addr:city tag.
If they do, check if organic maps has a bug about it yet, file one if not. (this is organic maps right?)
Is OrganicMaps using Nominatim? It seems that Nominatim’s reverse geocoding returns the correct results there: